
You are supposed to make reservation online when it's available.
When is it available?
The higher category you cabin is, the more time in adavance you are allowed to make reservations for specialty dining.
The rules of this nature are changeable. So please refer to the cruise line's website for updates.
What if you were not able to make reservations in advance?
Make it once you are on board.
Reservation point - see the Buffet section.

Manfredi's Italian themed restaurant, most popular.
Located on Deck 1

Ask for their "pasta of the day". It's delicious.

Viking version of "Bistecca Fiorentina" dominates as a main course :

Veal Cutlet looked nice but was unfortunately sent back due to a stable-like smell:

Not to be missed: Tiramisu à la Viking 

Manfredi's or Chef's table?

I definitely prefer Manfredi's.

Chef's Table is more like presentation while Manfredi's is about the real food.